My whole question is if the horror format as it exists with The Shining, The Exorcist etc is a right fit for real Black horror and trauma. Yes there are horror films based on real events but those are usually exceptional experiences. What we see in Them is a lot of stuff that many Black people have faced, just not all at once. What I really didn’t like was the black-faced Sambo appearing after the husband helped nearly kill Henry and the pregnant wife called him out his name. I think scenes like that cast doubt on the validity of the aggrieved Black people’s actions. It’s subliminally asking if this really happened to you or are you bringing in the actions of other white people. No so and so can’t really be like this? I can’t really be like this. I hear you on Lovecraft but maybe it appears that way because they tried to find a way to tell the story that the circumstances warranted. I do thank you for the time and consideration you put in this post. It has not gone unnoted by me.