I wrote African American History For Dummies. I absolutely know the importance of her background and the struggle which makes the importance of her being the first woman who is of color to achieve this all the more pressing. And because I know all of that, I know what the mainstream media leading with her racial identity and not emphasizing that she is the first woman of any race to ever do it means. As a Black woman, I am overly aware that when woman is used in the mainstream they typically mean white and woman and white are not synonymous, especially not now. It is important that the “woman” first is a Black and South Asian woman.
And then on top of that, they have followed it up that she is the first Black woman and first South Asian woman (I don’t see why Indian is a problem but it’s cool) to be elected VP when she is the first Black PERSON and first Indian/South Asian PERSON to achieve this. And, also, she is the first PERSON of Caribbean descent to achieve this as well. They all matter to me.
Thank you for reading and responding. I appreciate it!